- Maximum number of athletes competing: 26
- Xibalba is registered with AIDA International and adheres to AIDA rules for depth competition and shall therefore abide by the latest AIDA Rules and Regulations unless otherwise specified.
- The competition will run for 5 consecutive days with one rest day in the middle. It’s allowed one dive per day in any depth discipline chosen from the athlete. The disciplines permitted are CWT, CNF, FIM and CWT Bi-fins.
- All results from this competition will be registered in the official AIDA International Rankings.
- Overall standings will be determined by adding the points from each discipline (points will be allocated as the AIDA rules, which is 1 point per meter of depth, less any penalties). The women’s and men’s champions will be the female and male athletes, respectively, with the most number of points.
- Athletes may choose to perform any depth discipline on any performance day, and therefore may choose to do one discipline more than once, however, only the best result in a given discipline will count towards the athlete’s overall points tally.

The Xibalba championship be following the AIDA guidelines for the limitation of announcements maximum depth 90m. (see rule 5.2.1 of the AIDA Rules ).
Announcements of more than 3 meters will not be allowed beyond the depth the athlete certifies to organizer they have achieved in the last three months.
At the athlete briefing on the 28th of April, athletes will be required to present the following paperwork:
- You must be affiliated and approved by your national AIDA or an alternative AIDA National.
- A signed “medical certificate of non contraindication to freediving” written in English ( see AIDA rule 3.1.8. ) The certificate must be signed and dated by a medical doctor. It may not be older than one year, and an athlete may not sign their own certificate. Furthermore, the contact details of the doctor must be present on the form. The standard AIDA medical form may be downloaded on AIDA web page.
- Passport (or national identity card) of the nationality the athlete is competing as.
- Each athlete will be required to certify their maximum depth in each discipline that they have done in training or competition in the preceding three months.
- Athletes must bring their lanyards to the pre-competition briefing on the 28th of April for inspection and testing by the judges. Athletes must use an AIDA compliant lanyard in all competition dives (including warm up dives) and pre-competition training.
- Athletes must obtain their own medical and evacuation insurance.
- A signed format of “Liability Release”, and written in English. The standard AIDA Liability Release & Assumption of Risk form may be downloaded on AIDA web page.

We have the official support of AIDA International, and all the records achieved will be formally registered according to protocol and announced.
Thanks to our sponsors we will have amazing prizes
Medals, certificates, freediving equipment and special prizes.
Best Overall (Male/ Female)
Best in each discipline (Male/ Female): CWT, CWTB, FIM, CNF
MAIN JUDGE: AIDA International
CHIEF OF SAFETY: Aluxe’s Safety Team